layout: post current: post cover: assets/images/posts/social_media.jpg title: How IT student should use Internet for maximum productivity? date: 2017-04-15 12:00:00 +0545 navigation: True categories: blog tags: blog class: post-template subclass: ‘post’ author: cdrrazan permalink: /blog/internet-usage-to-maximize-the-productivity-for-student/ summary: — Internet is one of the finest friend it can be yet so dangerous on the other side. Connecting on one side of the world to another side of the world isn’t one major but minor of thousands of the advantages it can be in the today’s world. Different people can use internet for different use. It matters according to the profession. However in this blog article i am going to write about the internet and student and how they can make use of. — Internet is one of the finest friend it can be yet so dangerous on the other side. Connecting on one side of the world to another side of the world isn’t one major but minor of thousands of the advantages it can be in the today’s world. Different people can use internet for different use. It matters according to the profession. However in this blog article i am going to write about the internet and student and how they can make use of. As a student, what things can be generally needed for? Obviously reading, writing. However these are generalized content because believe me student are nothing but a load of things which they do. So for different things, it is almost impossible to connect on one network. Below are some of the social network and services student can use to maximize their productivity on the basis of my usage and experience.
Social network are foremost for students. These days a lot of social network are in the internet but not all are applicable for students. Beside personal use, if someone wants to use social network either for sole or collaboration purpose, i recommend following social network or sites. It is not necessary to have account or make on but you can according to your use and need based on what activities you and your group in the college do.
Facebook no matter what lies on the top of the chart of the social media because it is one of the top social network that most people are familiar are of.
What can you do with facebook?
i. Make Secret Group to post questions and interact with friends.
ii. Make facebook page to share relevant content for the subject matter it mosts.
Find Rajan Bhattarai on facebook!
Twitter is micro blogging site that provides user with 140 character post one at a time.
What you can do with twitter?
i. Use suitable hash tags while tweeting the problems or sharing ideas.
ii. Mention the friends and ask questions. iii. Make a list for your friends and let other follow that list so that they can follow the tweets what friends were posting an hour ago etc.
Find Rajan Bhattarai on twitter!
From their own site, the main thing is to share idea. In fact Pinterest is awesome idea to share such thing. One can even collect ideas and aggregate the ideas known as pins into boards.
What can you do with Pinterest?
i. Make relevant boards and collect post under the board.
ii. Post specific content to the specific boards.
Find Rajan Bhattarai on pinterest!
Linkedin is the professional network. It is very helpful who are near the end of the college and ready to go the professional field.
What can you do with Linkedin?
i. Make awesome profile with various experiences and recommendations.
ii. Search and see various jobs and recommendations in networks.
Find Rajan Bhattarai on linkedin!
Even though there are various social network for students, sometimes we need to send email because of the attachments. Even though mail exchange have been thin in the air but they are still in relevant. Use one of email Provider such as Google, Outlook, hotmail, yahoo mail etc. Recommendation: Gmail because it can be integrated with other Google Services.
File Collaboration is the major platform because sometimes discussion, email may not be enough. Hence file collaboration is much needed part for the student. It means interacting with the file kept in cloud location. We can use services such as Google drive, One drive, Dropbox, Box etc. Recently this happened to be much beneficial as i was able to share some of the files through Google Drive to my colleagues preparing for the exam.
Google Drive: 15 GB One drive: 5GB Box: 10GB Dropbox: 3GB Recommendation: Google drive Once you have a Google account, you can automatically login and use 15 GB. You can use it store files, photos. You can store files and make it shareable so that your friends can access and download it.
QnA forum means asking question and answering by experts or other user. Asking questions on the other hand may be related to all field either mathematics or programming. Their may be many sites but my best recommendation is Stack Exchange Network. You can enter into various sub networks and solve your question and ask if you have anything new. Other: Quora and Reddit recommended.
Although social media provide this feature not every people you can get into touch with them because of privacy and other issue. Hence you can get in touch with other experts and seniors in chat and discussion site or app who don’t want to disclose on such social network for personal cause. Recommended: Slack, Discord, Gitter [ According to need]
What is the most way if you want to involve with your group member for project but cant be in one place for stuff like project? Of course social media but not for such issue. Well there are platform that can unite team members to collaborate and work on group. Possible: Github, Butbucket, Gitlab Recommended: Github and Bitbucket. You can also have private space in Bitbucket. Github on the other hand provides student pack so that we can get premium services for free on platform such as Digital Ocean. Find Rajan Bhattarai on github!
Search Engine: Google and Google Scholar Use custom domain or blogger and start blogging and share your ideas. For starting blog in 2018, Check this blog on How to start blogging in 2018? [blog] Well, thanks for hooking up this. We will meet on other blog post soon. Cheers :)